
About Us

Farmology is enabling farmers and agri stakeholders with technology benefiting the entire Agri ecosystem...

Enabling And Empowering Farmers

Through Technology To Promote Sustainable Agriculture

At Farmology, we believe that real impact can be created by building trust among key Agri stakeholders through technology, keeping our farmers at its core.

We do this by helping our farmers with knowledge, unbiased advisory, organic and sustainable agri-inputs, crop & soil health monitoring, and selling their produce.

Our farmers are already reaping the benefits of our advisory, organic fertilizers and pesticides, and selling their produce at a premium.

Our true vision lies in enabling farmers and agri stakeholders with technology benefiting the entire Agri ecosystem.

In our efforts to follow our vision, we have come up with our own mobile application ‘FARMOLOGY’ to enable the use of technology among the small and medium farmers to take farming as a profession to a whole new level.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to empower small and medium Indian farmers by providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to increase their crop yields and income. 

We are committed to leveraging innovative technology and sustainable farming practices to revolutionize the agricultural industry in India, ultimately contributing to the country’s food security and rural development.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide high-quality crop advisory services and patented Agri-inputs to small and medium Indian farmers, delivered directly to their homes through our user-friendly android app. We aim to empower farmers by equipping them with the knowledge and resources they need to achieve maximum yield and profitability in their agricultural pursuits. We strive to build strong relationships with our farmer customers by providing personalized support, guidance, and solutions tailored to their unique needs. We are dedicated to creating a positive impact on the lives of Indian farmers and their communities, while promoting environmentally sustainable farming practices. By doing so, we aim to contribute to the growth of India’s agricultural sector, uplift rural communities, and improve the overall economic well-being of the country.

Farmology Testimonial

What Farmers say about us

Our Associate Organizations

Our Incubators​

Awards and Recognitions